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.Tuesday, December 01, 2009 ' 12/01/2009 12:27:00 PM Y
Your love is all i ever wanted

Long waited post.

Alright. I'm just plain lazy when it comes to updating blogs and all. But here I am after centuries of not posting anything. :D

Anyway, I seriously don't know where to start from. So many things happened, both good and bad. Enjoyed performances in Reflections and President Star Charity, achieved the Flames Award 2009, having my "photoshopped" face plastered onto the walls of RP, participate in IVP and many more to be named.

Life goes on for me I guess. Friends joked with me and even teased me like no one's business but I'm glad they are having fun and hopefully I'm having fun as well. (:

Had many lovely souls to show care and concern to me. Sweety Lynnelley needs to mentioned as one of them. Seee! I blogged about you. (F)

Alrighty. Gotta finish up on my ppt now. Feel kind of sleepy now though. ): Ciaos! (:

Empty and lost I put a smile on each day. 12/01/2009 12:27:00 PM.

.Wednesday, August 12, 2009 ' 8/12/2009 10:02:00 PM Y
Your love is all i ever wanted

Belated Post.

Okay I know this is rather late but Blogger is really a pain at times by not allowing me to upload any pictures here. Arghs. Anyways..


Shu En's house is like 10 times bigger than mine! Gosh.. Was my first time going there though. But we certainly had fun and lots of laughter there! (:

Yes.. What do you know.. The rangers are united once again!.. This time with newer devices. :D Alright. We're kinda childish but it shows our unity right? Hmmms.. The photo was taken and edited by the "handsome" Daniel. -.- And yes, I am emphasizing on the word handsome. *winks

But I must admit that the picture was well edited. Great Job GR! (Green Ranger)

Woohoos! I certainly have to announce that I finally gotten the blue G-Shock watch! Actually it was a belated birthday gift from the other rangers. I was like damn 'G'-shocked when they presented it to me in a very mysterious way. :D Thank you guys soo much! (: Feel so part of the team yo! :D

Alrighty. Stay tune for more updates very soon! (: Good nighty folks!

Empty and lost I put a smile on each day. 8/12/2009 10:02:00 PM.

.Saturday, August 08, 2009 ' 8/08/2009 12:00:00 AM Y
Your love is all i ever wanted

Coming Together.

Yes, NDP 2009 is just around the corner and I'm just about to get the mood right for that ceremony. How do I manage to do that? Well, let's just say that the performance for the National Day Observance Ceremony boost the atmosphere of NDP. What could I say? It's truly a come together experience for most of us rather.

I'm not really sure if being in-charge of choreographing performances brings about positive or a negative impact in my schedule. :X But anyways, it is my job as a VP for welfare. I kinda enjoy performing and entertaining the audience to a rather large extent. Guess that's the 'enthusiasm' in me. So whenever there's like performances in school, there goes an email received from Dr.Simon. -.- HAHA!

Rehearsals after rehearsals during the past 3 days till I injured my knee after doing some stunts. Arghs! ): Everyone there surely dreaded the on-going rehearsals and praying to be released home soon. But I really must say that the rehearsals have eventually paid off despite of all the trouble we went through.

The usual day of the performance would be called more of a success rather than a screwed up one. The technical and sound system went smoothly for most of the other IGs EXCEPT ours! Gosh! Wendi went up the stage wondering if I changed the music at the eleventh hour or something. But unfortunately, there was a power failure and caused the audio system to shut down.

Lister shouted to Wendi to continue performing without the support of the music. It was like totally unexpected for us but we managed to pull it off! This shows that the music was not an important factor in performing well afterall. (: Special thanks to the peeps in HipHop IG who gave their loudest cheers when we performed in a 'quiet' environment and atmosphere. The audience gave their support too! It surely boost our confidence and lifted up to the theme of determination. :D Oh yeah, Zaini even commented on our performance as the most professional performance! (: Cheers yo!

Princess randomly asked me to download this new software called oovoo. Hmm.. says it could webcam with 3 peeps or more at the same time. But It's super laggy! -.- One on one is still better I thought. :X And yes, I'm still envied okay, princess?.. >.<
Alrighty. Gotta turn in now. More updates soon! (hopefully) Tatas! (:

Empty and lost I put a smile on each day. 8/08/2009 12:00:00 AM.

.Thursday, July 30, 2009 ' 7/30/2009 11:30:00 PM Y
Your love is all i ever wanted

Emo inspiration.

Yet another long-waited post of this dusty blog of mine. Oh wells, Blogger has recently refrained me from uploading any pictures here. Guess it is the right time to blog. I should say finally! (:

Alrighty. Been emo recently or rather on and offs though. But I'm alright now. I think. :X People always ask me this 'hot' question on how's life so far?.. I seriously have no idea how to answer them and most of the time I'll just ignore that question. :/ Anyway the above picture is currently my display pic in MSN and people assume that's me dressed emo-ly and sitting on a swing. Rather nice pic though. (: But too bad it's not me even though i wish it was. Hmmm.. perhaps i should try on a new fashion instead. *fantasizing*

Been reading more about fitness tips in Men's Health just recently. Introduced by Kenji, my hairstylist! HAHA! Busy downloading pictures as inspiration each time I visit the gym. Well, this is only like 40% of the motivation I need, the rest of the 60% is basically relying on my mental well-being. *winks* This could just be another form of distraction I need everyday to keep me going and staying strong. Yes. Holding on and maintaining a strong focus each day keeps me alive and free!

Some people would think I'm a little "out of my mind" to push myself further physically. Well, I feel that I'm actually doing this for the sake of myself and partially otherwise. This is how i make myself feel good and relaxed after each session. This is just me who's trying to add meaning to my mundane life. (: For those who kept encouraging me to continue this way, much appreciation goes to you all folks! :D
Shall stop here for now. Sleeping time! Tatas! (:

Empty and lost I put a smile on each day. 7/30/2009 11:30:00 PM.

.Thursday, July 02, 2009 ' 7/02/2009 11:59:00 PM Y
Your love is all i ever wanted

Durian Madness.

Hello you people! (:

Long time since I've ever eaten durians. Haha! Indeed it is the BEST thing on earth!.. *winks at penguin* LOL!

Anyway. Bolang called me on the day when I skipped school which is on friday. That was the day which i had business law. Gosh! I really dislike that module due to the long-winded study cases! -.-

He called me to hang out at Geylang. I'm sure everyone is probably having dirty thoughts right now when i mentioned Geylang. Oh wells.. We were out to chill out and eating durians as well as smelly tofu. I've never tried any of the smelly tofu but I swear it is awesome. (: I savoured every bit of the tofu thanks to Pauline, Serene and Bolang for taking away for me. :D

I seriously have never been to geylang before and I know I shouldn't be called a Singaporean as well. -.- Anyway, there's always our tour guide Bolang to lead us in the food hunt. (: Furthermore, I don't even know much about durians except to eat them. Not sure about hunting for the right ones, edible ones rather. Hence, we just place our trust in Bolang for selecting the right and nice ones. (:

After which, we head down to Rochor beancurd stall which is known to be famous in Singapore. I think I gotta cut down on the beancurds and soyabean drinks for some men's health issues. :X

Shall leave you with the pictures to speak more! (:

Oh yea. Penguin wants to compete with me on who's more emo. -.-

Alrighty. Gotta leave class soon.
Security guards are starting to chase us out of class. -.-
Tatas! (:

Empty and lost I put a smile on each day. 7/02/2009 11:59:00 PM.

.Saturday, June 27, 2009 ' 6/27/2009 10:43:00 PM Y
Your love is all i ever wanted

Much Laughter.

Yes.. Again and again and again was toooooo lazy to update my dusty blog. -.-

Anyways. My days in school were fun! Even when the H1N1 virus is starting to spread in RP which unfortunately everyone's happy about it initially. Everyone just loves to skip lessons and would find any random excuse to do so.

So many things happened as usual and school's getting boring nowadays. Sadly. ): Anyway, there's lots of pictures to upload which you know I'm totally lazy to upload them. Or maybe it's because of the recent Whose line craze which keeps me really entertained and fill myself with laughter! ;D Being sharing some of them with YingHong who is also crazy about them too! >.<

Moving on. I would say that my days with my recent class in rather enjoyable. Had random moments and much laughter to entertain us. LOL! Did a video and picture presentation to compare with other teams for the "best team award". Well surprisingly and fortunately, our team won the award! Everyone in the team got shocked and didn't expect it at all. We thought that there's one team did better than us. Oh wells.. (:

Webcamming became a "cannot do without" thing in school nowadays. Reason being is that school's boring. ): Arghs! Anyway, it was fun to webcam especially when it's with the small eyes one. Opps. :X I mean the banana who is Giovanna! Chimilogy?.. Hmms.. LOL! ;D She bullies me the most alright?! Bleah! :P

Alrighty. I gotta turn in now. Mum's nagging can be a pain in the neck. Shhhh!.. :X

Enjoy the pictures below! Credits to penguin for the printed photos! -.- Tatas! (:

Empty and lost I put a smile on each day. 6/27/2009 10:43:00 PM.

.Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ' 5/20/2009 10:24:00 PM Y
Your love is all i ever wanted

Cable Ski Time!

Alright it's been a LONG time since i've updated my blog. Procrastination is the word to describe me. ):

Oh wells. Anyway, E56D had the first skiing outing last wednesday! Only a few turned up though. ;D

Btw the good thing as a guy, being in this class was wonderful. Simply because the girls outnumbered the guys. :X

Moving on. I've NEVER done skiing before and probably this is my first time doing it. Oh yea, trust me when i say it's harder than it looks. -.-

And yes, I truly SUCK in it for a beginner. GOSH! The girls were better than me! :X There were suppose to have TWO guys going but in the end only ONE guy went to ski. *Stares at Bolang*

Shall leave you guys with the pictures below! Till then! I hope.. :X

Empty and lost I put a smile on each day. 5/20/2009 10:24:00 PM.

YBenjamin Christopher LowY aka MonkeyBen, Wushu Guy, The guy who loves hot pink, etc.
Took my first breath on 19th April 1990.
Republic Polytechnic (Integrated Events Management)

More about himY
~My Facebook~

~My friendster~

Loves: Being loved! His friends! His family! His teachers! God! Giving all kinds of surprises! Her!

Dislikes: Being ignored! Being left-out! Annoying and ill-bred people! Backstabbers!

Random ScribblingsY
Do tag him before you leave! Your respect for this tagboard is much appreciated.

web stats
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Favourite ExitsY

-Shu En-
-Gui Liang-
-Yi Yin-
-Kok Wei-
-Wei Li-
-Jun Hong-
-Pei Shan-
-Jia Yan-
-Yan Jin-
-Hong Bin-
-Liang Yu-
-Wei Ting-
-Yi Ting-
-Tee Hng-
-Chin Ling-
-Bing Long-
-Wan Ling-
-Xin Yi-
-Ying Hong-

**Social & Academic**
-> More new clothes!!
-> To make more new friends!!!
-> To be with the one i love and loves me always!!
-> Enter the course & poly of my choice!
-> Appreciate what others have done for me!
-> Perform as many wushu stunts and routines!
# Ce Kong Fan
# Xuan Zi Zhuan Ti 360º
# Xuan Feng Jiao 360º
# Xuan Zi
# Wai Bai Lian
# Backflips!
# Jumping Spliting!
# Hope to specialise in Spear, Sword, Chang quan etc.

Unfading MemoriesY

Enchanting MelodiesY

Music Playlist at MixPod.com